Waterproof Pet Tracker

Friday 14 October 2022

Dog separation anxiety

  Dog separation anxiety safety

Safety and self-injuries are issues for dogs with separation anxiety. This applies to dogs of all ages.

Dogs might try to escape from their home or any other area in which they're confined. Even if they're placed in a crate, they could try to escape from their crate.

These dogs often damage their teeth, paws and other parts of their body as they try to chew through doors and windows.

Wednesday 12 October 2022

Onion and baby food toxicity in cats

   Can cats eat baby food with garlic and onions? 

Cats cannot eat baby food with garlic and onions. Cats should not be given any type of food that has garlic. Cats cannot eat baby food or any other type of food that has onions.

Cats can end up at the veterinary clinic if they're given food that has garlic or onions. If a cat is ill and you want to relax them to have something to eat, you can give them a small amount of meat baby food.

This meat based baby food should not contain any additives. For example, you can give a cat unseasoned meat baby food that doesn't have any additives.